Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Do you need an extra $300 a month income?

Hello everyone!

Today I want to talk to you about planting seeds and this is why. Are you sick of job searching filling out applications and not getting a call back or someone calls you for an interview but then you call to Follow up and they say we've filled that position but thank you! Well I have the answer for you today everyone advertises a work at home opportunity but usually they are all scams well I want to talk to you about planting seeds and starting your own business. today. Turning over a new leaf you'll make money,love the products,be able to stay at home with the kids when there sick and best of all WORK IT INTO YOUR LIFE it won't be the other way around. I started selling Avon as an independent rep  and let me know it changed my life! Yes I know what your thinking I can't "sell" anything but with Avon you can because it's not really selling it's handing out books from a company that has been around for 130 years! People already know what Avon is just hand them a book to look at and BOOM you have an order. It's that simple I give them out at my job, I put them at gas pumps when I get gas,I put them on the table when I got out to eat,I put them in public bathroom or changing tables,I put them in shopping carts,I leave them at the bank and I give them to friends and family I never have to go out of my way to work my business because I bring books with me. You always hear people say how much they earn in Avon but I really didn't think it was true I was TOTALLY WRONG! I paid off my car of $367 dolars with Avon earnings and that was just in 2 weeks! So you if you put your mind to it and are determined you can earn awesome money but it won't fall from the sky you must work for it and plant seeds by posting about your business and handing out books to people at least 3 a day then your business with grow faster than you can imagine!

Now I know you say what's in it for me well you pay the $15 startup fee for your kit then you start telling EVERYONE you know that you sell Avon you post the brochure online,post on social media but proud of your business and show people you are! Right now when you sign up to be a rep you will start earning 40% on all orders of 100$ or more Then you can also earn different incentives like cash,products,trips I love my business if you love what you do it isn't work so CLIVK HERE use reference code Hawse to sign up or message me with any questions or concerns you might have! I hope you decide to take the leap because I knew I was nervous and didn't know how to start but I am part of an Awesome team that has helped me and kept me planting seeds to watch them grow so if you motivated and ready to start a new journey thats always fun and full of excitment join my team today you won't regret your decision!! Have a great day! -Courtney

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