Hello, my name is Courtney
Today I want to share with you "why" I decided to signed up to sell Avon and everyone's why will be different but I wanted more money. So I looked and looked at things I could do like babysitting,second job but none of those things really sparked my interested then I thought about Avon I had sold Avon when I was 18 but only put in a few orders because I really had no idea what to do or where to go and I had no support from my upline or my district manager so I quit. I decided that I was going to sign up again and give it another shot for $15 how could you go wrong? you spend that in fast food a week boy I am glad I did my experience has been 100% different and AWESOME I love my journey with Avon. The first order I submitted was $300 I knew then I was going to be great at this. I decided to write this blog this morning to tell people you can make money with Avon it's if you want to put in the effort of talking to people and giving out Avon brochures DAILY. You will be surprised when you put out brochures who orders from you. So if you need extra money to pay bills,go out, go on vacation or whatever your "why" is for looking into starting your own Avon business. This is the perfect time to join Avon because there is an incentive going on that you start earning 40% of your first 4 orders of $100 or more and I would LOVE to help you get started. I hope my story has touched you and help make you think about earning some extra money with Avon. I hope you have an AMAZING day and you reach for the stars!
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