Thursday, April 14, 2016

Benefits of being an Avon Representative

Today I want to talk to you about the benefits of being an avon representative. My hope is that when you finish reading what selling avon and being your own boss can give you you will decide to become an Avon representative and have  the freedom to do whatever you choose in your life there are a million possibilities with Avon. So I will give you some benefits and why Avon could be perfect for you.

~Get discounts on your favorite Avon products--never pay full price again for the products you love.

~15$ one time fee-this pays for your kit of 20 books and 2 full size products

~Work your own hours-No more stressing with omg how will I pick the kids up ect.

~make $300-$500 extra every month!-depends how much you work your business. Earnings are up to you

~work at home-you can set your own schedule and work Avon into your life.

~You only need a $50 order to start making income.

~share Avon brochures everywhere you go--label them and put them out while doing errands or you can toss in neighborhoods.

~Have financial freedom-If you work your business and talk to 3 people aday you would be so surprised how much income you make.

Well those are some of the top benefits of becoming an Avon representative with Avon. Avon has definitely changed my life I have paid so many things off and bought so many things selling avon and you could too. So I invite you to click here fill out the form pay the $15 and start the business of your dreams.

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