Monday, January 8, 2018

Earn paypal money by watching videos

Hey everyone! Thank you for coming to read my blog, I have a great website to share with everyone and I make $5 everyday that's $35 a week in paypal money and the crazy thing is YOU can too! In this blogpost I will:

1.---Tell you the website!

2.--Give you my link to sign up and its FREE!

3.--Tell you my strategy I use everyday to earn my money!

Lets get started!

The website that I use is called Prizerebel, with this website you can do surveys,complete offers,watch videos and do tasks to earn points. This site has a very low cashout amount you only need 500 points for a $5 gift card which is what I have my goal set for everyday!

Before a explain the levels click this link and sign up on my team!--->

Now that you have signed up let's talk about levels and why you want to keep advancing to the next level.

So when you sign up your bronze level that's the begging level but you want you get to the next level which is silver with is level you get a discount on prizes and they get processed faster. Then you achieve gold level and you get more of a % off prizes and they get processed faster. Then you aim For Diamond and platinum level so you get even more of a discount on prizes.
Also when you have silver-diamond level you make a % off your team! you can hover over your level to see how far you are away from the next level!
So if we look at the photo above it says I'm Gold level, I have 2 points and 2,992 points away from being platinum now when you reach Diamond level that is the highest level you can reach and you will get 3% off of your reward price!They have such a great selection of not only Paypal but tons and tons of giftcards this site is a win win!
Below you will see the chart with the perks for each level
Now the fun part how to earn as much as you want to a day,a week or a month its totally up to you!

So here's what I do daily:
I use CCLEANER to clear my cookies and cache files. I do this fist thing every morning! its a free program!
I also use MALWAREBYTES its free I run it in the morning also!

1.  I open a new window go to prizerebel and click the ear tab then click engageme tv videos I run it 24/7
2. in a new window I go to prizerebel and click the earn tab I click surveys and I click on YOUR SURVEYS they are worth $.80 each if you qualify if I start getting disqualified for a couple in a row I go to TAP RESEARCH and do all of those because even if your disqualified you get 2 points!

3 . I click the earn tab and click offers and do as many as I can before I get bored also make sure you make a separate email for prizerebel offers.

Also always look at your daily challenge it will tell you how many points you need to earn that day to get the bonus 

So in this picture my daily challenge is to reach 146 points that's actually $1.46 and if you do that then the give you $.13 which is a $1.59 and if you goal is $5.00 a day then you only have 341 points left to earn to cash out that day! every 100 points equals a dollar.

So I hope you have found this blog informative and valuable and I hope you use my link to sign up and you start earning you and your family FREE MONEY!! Thanks for reading!

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